I'm in love with one of your bunnies, how do I adopt him/her?
Adoption is an easy four step process:
First - read the Sales Policy and then fill out and submit an Adoption Form.
Second - after we're in touch, send us pictures of your bunny's housing.
Third - pay the $100.00 deposit to officially reserve your bunny.
Finally, when the bunny is 8 to 9 weeks old, pay the remaining balance and pick up your new lovely Holland Lop.
How long can Holland Lops live?
They can live up to 10 years.
Is it really necessary to neuter/spay my Holland Lop?
Yes, there are many benefits to spaying or neutering your rabbit.
First, a fixed rabbit can live a longer and happier life as the risk or cancer and UTIs are greatly reduced.
Second, a rabbit that is spayed/ neutered becomes calmer and easier to manage. Their destructive habits subside a bit, yet they don't lose their charmingly mischievous nature. Spayed/neutered rabbits are also easier to litter train and have less of an urge to spray.
Are Holland Lops territorial?
Yes, Holland Lops are territorial and are known to use their pee and poo to mark their territory. This is why it is necessary to neuter/spay your bunny when they become sexually mature at 6 months old.
Do Holland Lops get along with other rabbits?
Yes and no. Holland Lops and other rabbits can get along. This is a lengthy process known as 'Bonding'. Unless you know what you're doing, it is suggested to keep Holland Lops in their own space. The companionship of their owner is all the bunny will need.
Why do bunnies chew so much?
Rabbit's teeth never stop growing. This makes it imperative that your bunny has access to unlimited Timothy Hay and wooden toys to chew on. If your rabbit is unable to constantly chew on hay or toys, he or she may supplement other household objects to fill this need.
What should a Holland Lop's diet consist of?
Holland Lops should have 24/7 access to fresh Timothy Hay so they can graze as they desire.
Oxbow Essentials Adult Rabbit Food is a great pellet choice for your new furry friend. It is recommended to feed them one quarter cup of pellets per day.
After 6 months of age, it is highly recommended that you feed your Holland Lop one cup of fresh vegetables per day.
Is there a noticeable temperament difference between boy and girl bunnies?
In my experience, each bunny has a unique personality and there are no noticeable differences in temperament between the two genders.
Where is your rabbitry located?
Our rabbitry is based near Tampa, Florida.
Is your rabbitry open to the public?
At this time we are a closed rabbitry.
What are the main reason(s) a bunny might be re-homed?
There are typically two main reasons;
Other pets in the home
Young children
Have any other questions not listed here?
Feel free to contact us and we can help answer any questions you may have!
Use the questions form located at the bottom right side of the page.